August 25, 2017





NAME 2017 target time 20 April 18 May


1 June 8 June 22 June


29 June


27 July 24 Aug
CR CR WSW Transferred to Hitcham Hilly Club champ Jon. W’therley


*J. Baker 26.17
*M. Baker 27.39 M 31.11 (2up) 28.04
Mike Bampton 27.11 26.25 25.37 25.29 26.19
*P. Barnes 23.14 23.02 23.01 22.08
Justin Bellward 24.45
*S. Bendall 31.39
*A. Bigg 29.16 28.15 28.33 28.38
Charlie Boldock 31.11 (2up)
John Bradbury 22.37 23.05 23.26
Doz Bree 26.05 24.44 25.17 24.48 24.40 24.32
Graham Buckles 27.03 26.30
*N. Bull 24.32
*D. Burke 24.47
Bob Bush 37.21 38.42 37.54 38.11
Mandy Bunn 27.28 25.50 25.56 26.24 26.08 25.21
*D. Burke 25.09
*C. Caba 27.46 26.45 27.01 26.58
*S. Carson 26.37 26.47
*A. Chamberlin
*T. Codling 30.49 29.10 29.46
*D. Constable 26.54
*P. Crew
*D. Crisp 23.35
*A. Cutmore 33.14 (2up) 32.30 (2up) 32.23 (2up)
*M Cutmore 33.39 32.15 30.45 32.37 32.22 31.12
*N. Cutmore 33.14 (2up) 32.30 (2up) 32.23 (2up)
*S. Daniel 25.57 25.05 25.55
Rob Davies 25.03 23.53   24.43 25.01
Damon Day 23.31 23.20 22.48 23.05
Andrew Elderfield 27.21
Garth Evans 24.46
Mike Felton 28.07 26.56 27.04 M
Dave Fenn 28.32 M 28.07 28.10 27.38
Lee Ford 23.49 23.09 23.11 23.46 23.23
*D. Foster 24.41 24.22
*J. Gray   26.27
*J. Harman 25.51 25.20 25.40 24.48 24.41 23.54
Rob Harman M 25.02 25.33
Colin Harris 28.52 28.32 28.09 28.16 27.24 28.55 M
*P. Hatcher 25.01 24.35 25.09 24.18 24.36
Steve Hitchcock 27.52 29.40 28.31
*B. Ho 29.14
Lindsay Hobden 31.01 30.16 28.49 M 29.24
*D. Howes 27.04
*L. Hudson 22.55
*P. Jarvis 24.48 24.30
Mark Jay 24.47
Gary Johnson M 25.28 24.54 25.21
Isabella Johnson 28.53 30.23 29.14 28.15
Sarah Johnson 32.08 31.59
Stewart Kirk 25.50 25.40 26.00 25.48
*M. Lawson 28.06 27.28 27.09
*I Ledieu 27.25 27.19
Sandra MacKay
Brian Mann
Viv Marsh 30.07
*C. Matthews 27.38
*B. McDonald 24.08 22.58 21.59 (tandem)
*Z. McLoone   31.38 30.04 29.49 29.32
Ian Millard 27.09 26.57 26.20 26.43 27.12 26.24
David Miller 31.11 31.37 DNF 31.22 31.06
Tom Moore 33.21 34.11 33.53 32.03
Wayne Mumford 28.57
*S. Norman 24.49
Gary Pamment 25.42 23.28 21.59 (tandem)
*A. Pettit 23.59
Trevor Pillet 30.19 33.39 32.29 31.24
*D. Potts
*K. Randle 23.30
Gavin Ratcliff 26.04 25.05 24.59 25.15 24.26
*M. Ritchie 23.30
Chris Rixon 34.58 31.11
*G. Rudd 23.17
Darren Rule 27.49
James Rush 22.49 M 24.10 23.34 23.39 23.22 23.32
*M. Savage 28.46 30.09 28.15
*D. Schindler 25.59 26.12 24.52
Tony Sheppard 28.33 28.55 M 28.28 29.02
Mat Shotbolt 24.43 24.56
*M. Smith 26.45
Chris Steward 24.52 23.55 23.37 24.04 23.29 M
*R. Sykes-Porham 24.13
Matt Trayner 28.59 26.54 26.58 26.44 26.28
Dan Upton 25.17 24.59 24.31 25.05 24.56 25.07 25.10
*Y. Watkins 24.51 24.24 24.30 24.41 24.44
*S. Weatherley 22.20 22.28
Nick Webber 24.05
Leon West 23.20 21.55 22.53 22.20
* J. Wharton 24.37 24.44 24.48 24.55 24.34
*M. Wilson 26.38
Number of riders 27 47 33 55 38 47



NAME 2017 target time 27 April 25 May 6 July 20 July 3 August 31 August
*S. Asker (J)  
*M. Baker   22.12 22.29 25.08 (2up)
Rob Baker 21.47
Mike Bampton 21.02 20.47
*P. Barnes  
*A. Belcher   25.57 (2up)
Justin Bellward 20.27
*A. Bigg 22.22
Charlie Boldock (J) 25.08 (2up)
*M. Borg 22.18
Doz Bree M 20.03 20.21 19.58
*P. Barnes 19.02 18.49 18.17 18.06 18.17
Graham Buckles 21.44
*D. Burke 19.34
Bob Bush 29.31 30.48 29.55 M 31.47
Mandy Bunn 22.06 21.21 M
*C. Caba 21.25
S Carson
*S. Carson
*T. Carson (J)
*P. Crew M
*D.Crisp 18.43
*A. Cutmore (J) 26.10 (2up) 27.18 (2up)
*M. Cutmore (J) 25.59 25.51 25.50
*N. Cutmore 26.10 (2up) 27.18 (2up)
*S. Daniel 20.20 20.09
Rob Davies 20.03   19.18 19.28
Damon Day 19.10
Ashton Dyson 22.16
Garth Evans 20.08
Andrew Elderfield
Mike Felton 22.54
Dave Fenn 22.50 23.08 22.30 22.21 22.47
Lee Ford 19.28 19.14 M
*D. Foster 23.28 19.58
*L. Good
*J. Gray 22.02
*J. Harman 20.07 20.27    
Rob Harman 21.54
Colin Harris 23.06 22.46 22.36
*P. Hatcher 20.05 19.23
*J. Henderson 23.14
*Benson Ho
Lindsay Hobden 25.02 24.00 23.42 23.53
*L. Jay 27.02
Mark Jay 20.43 19.44
Gary Johnson 21.43 21.20 20.38 20.40 20.32  
*Isabella Johnson (J) 25.45 24.10 22.51 22.38 22.22  
*S. Johnson 25.57 (2up)  
*A.Kennedy 19.29  
Matthew Lawson M 22.30
*I. LeDieu 22.14
Joe Leney 21.04
*A. Lovelock 19.43
Sandra MacKay 22.42 20.54
*B. Macdonald 19.40
Brian Mann
*Z. McLoone 25.35 24.05 24.16
Ian Millard 21.58 22.06 M 21.40 22.08
David Miller 24.54 24.37 24.55 24.45
Tom Moore 27.10 M 28.14 26.20 28.35
*R. Morris 23.09
Connor Mothersole 25.34 25.22
*S. Norman 20.20
Gary Pamment 20.45 19.14
Trevor Pillet 25.09 26.16 M
Gavin Ratcliff 20.54 20.17 20.18
*M. Richie 19.08 19.11
Chris Rixon 26.59
*S. Rudd 21.32
Darren Rule  
James Rush 18.51 19.47 19.02 19.40 18.55 18.58
M Savage 24.54      
*D.  Schindler 20.48      
Tony Sheppard 23.34 23.03 23.01
*M. Shinn
*M. Shotbolt 20.11   19.43 20.06
*M. Smith 22.39
*N. Soden 20.09
Chris Steward 20.11 19.39 19.23 18.42 19.00 19.23
*R. Sykes-Popham
Matt Trayner 23.04 21.58 22.18 21.51 21.14
Dan Upton 20.45 M 20.00 20.20
*Y. Watkins 20.10 19.38
Nick Webber 19.58 19.48
Leon West 18.33   18.11 17.50 (CR)  
*J. Wharton 20.00 19.37 20.00
Number of riders 16 33 32 22 26



NAME 2017 target time 4 May 8 June


13 July 17 Aug
Robert Ablitt (J) 26.39
*K. Baker 22.07
*M. Baker 23.27 23.06
Mike Bampton 22.39 22.19 M
*P. Barnes   18.36 18.46
Justin Bellward 20.47
*A. Bigg 24.08 22.52
*M. Borg 22.23
Doz Bree 22.14 20.14
Graham Buckles 23.09
*N. Bull 21.15
Mandy Bunn 23.19 22.21
Bob Bush 31.11 M 30.57
*S. Carson 22.18 22.51 (2up)
*T. Carson (J) 22.51 (2up)
*A. Chamberlin 20.13 (2up)
Raymond Cheung 27.13
*P. Crew
*A. Cutmore (J) 25.58 (2up) 26.51 (2up)
*M. Cutmore (J) 27.15 26.42 25.06 25.46
*N. Cutmore 25.58 (2up) 26.51 (2up)
*S. Daniel 20.40
Rob Davies 21.18 21.03 20.03
Damon Day 20.18 M  
Ashton Dyson M  
Garth Evans 20.10  
Dave Fenn 23.49 24.17 23.11
*M. Felton 23.31 22.22
Lee Ford 20.04 19.13
*M. Fuller 21.57
*R. Gooderham (J) 20.13 (2up)
*J. Harman 21.34 20.29
Rob Harman
Colin Harris 23.43 24.08 23.08 23.31
*P. Hatcher 20.56
Lindsay Hobden 26.15 24.30
*L. Jay 28.18
Mark Jay 20.02
Gary Johnson 22.27 21.01 20.49
*I. Johnson 25.48 22.52 23.17
*A. Kennedy 19.40
Matthew Lawson
*I. Ledieu 23.44 22.00
Sandra MacKay
Brian Mann
*B. McDonald  
*Z. McLoone   24.46 25.08
Ian Millard 22.42 22.42 22.27 21.36
David Miller 24.53 27.43 26.10
Tom Moore 26.23 26.40 27.48
Connor Mothersole (J) 26.24
Wayne Mumford 23.37
Gary Pamment 21.37 19.37
Trevor Pillet 26.16 26.16
*D. Potts
Gavin Ratcliff 22.02 21.09 20.21 20.22
Chris Rixon M
James Rush 19.40   19.33 19.14
*M. Savage   23.54
*D. Schindler 21.00
Tony Sheppard 24.01 23.57 24.04
Mat Shotbolt 20.47
Tabitha Skeats (J)
*M. Smith 22.54
*N. Soden 21.07
Chris Steward 20.47 20.18 19.10 20.58
*P. Tetley 27.41
Matt Traynar 24.30 22.23 21.44 21.57
Dan Upton 21.12 21.19 20.46
*Y. Watkins 19.57 20.30
Nick Webber 20.32 20.10 19.39
Leon West 19.01 19.16 18.33
*J.Wharton 20.31 19.57
Number of riders 29 34 33




NAME 2017 target time 11 May 15 June 29 June 20 July


Transfer to Brent Eleigh

10 Aug
Daniel Adams 42.11 M
*M. Alder 36.42
*K. Baker 37.02
*M. Baker 37.36
Robin Baker 31.55
Mike Bampton 37.43 35.10 35.44
*P. Barnes 31.32 42.25 (2up) 45.32 (2up)
Justin Bellward 34.55
*A. Bigg 39.27 38.40 38.12
*M. Borg 36.52
John Bradbury M
Doz Bree 34.02 34.13 48.51 (2up)
Graham Buckles 38.08
*N. Bull 33.13
Mandy Bunn 38.40 35.26 36.32
*D. Burke 35.10
Bob Bush
*C. Caba 35.58 35.47 36.25
*S. Carson 36.23 (2up) 37.11 (2up)
*T. Carson 36.23 (2up) 37.11 (2up)
*A. Chamberlin 40.58 (2up)
*P. Crew
*A. Cutmore 40.58 (2up) 42.25 (2up) 45.32 (2up)
*M.  Cutmore 45.01 44.02 43.48 43.56 46.07
*S. Daniel
Rob Davies 34.48 33.54  
Damon Day
Ashton Dyson M
Andrew Elderfield 37.19
Garth Evans 33.49 33.50
Mike Felton 36.54 36.49
Dave Fenn 39.33 39.32 38.39 38.36
Lee Ford 32.39 31.21
*D. Foster 33.51
*J. Harman 34.07 33.54 35.36 33.35
Rob Harman 38.40 34.00
Colin Harris 40.00 38.33 38.50 37.50
*P. Hatcher 32.36 32.37 33.00
*J. Henderson 38.31
Lindsay Hobden 42.21
Mark Jay 34.29 M
Gary Johnson 36.00 35.07 34.51
*I. Johnson 40.50 42.56 (2up) 40.29
*S. Johnson 42.56 (2up)
*A. Kennedy   32.48
Matthew Lawson 37.49
Angela Lesslie
Kate Ling 48.51 (2up)
*A. Lovelock 33.44
Sandra MacKay
Brian Mann
*Z. McLoone 43.54   40.13
Ian Millard 37.09 35.51 35.59 35.50 36.44
David Miller 43.13 M M 43.05 43.02
Tom Moore 44.31 45.05 44.21 44.57
Connor Mothersole 41.22 (2up)
Wayne Mumford 40.18
*G. Pamment 35.46
Trevor Pillet 43.23 44.31
Gavin Ratcliff 34.12
*G. Rudd 31.00
James Rush 31.45 41.22 (2up)    
*D. Schindler      
Tony Sheppard 39.32 39.14
Mat Shotbolt 33.50
Chris. Steward 33.50 32.12 32.32 31.31
Matt Traynar 43.22 37.45 37.35 36.47 M
Dan Upton 35.38 33.42 33.55 34.14
*Y. Watkins 34.47
*J. Wharton 33.58 34.01 34.09
Nick Webber 33.00
Leon West 31.56   29.51 (CR) 30.41
*D. Wiles 38.39 38.00
Number of riders 27 27 25 25