
The Club accepts that it has an obligation to provide a duty of care to protect members who are children or vulnerable adults, to safe guard their welfare, irrespective of age, gender, racial origin, religious belief, sexual identity or disability, while involved in club activities.

The Club will take all reasonable and practical steps to protect such members from harm and discrimination, and will respond appropriately to all reported suspicions and allegations.

The Club recognises that the key to good practice is having and awareness of the principles required to promote a safe environment for all

The Club adopts the
British Cycling Safeguarding and Protecting Children policy and
British Cycling Safeguarding and Protection of Vulnerable Adults policy,
with particular reference to Section 2 of those documents, Good Practice, Poor Practice and Abuse, and Section 3, Responding to Suspicions and Allegations of Abuse.

The Committee’s responsibility is to ensure suitable procedures exist to meet this policy.

The Club has appointed a Club welfare officer to oversee these procedures and in his absence the Club Chairman shall fulfil this role.

Any member coach or parent who has concerns about the welfare of any child or vulnerable person should report in writing to the Club welfare officer who will then initiate an investigation into the allegations in accordance with the British Cycling Policies.

Contact details of the Club welfare officer are on the Contact page of the Club website

 A section of the Safeguarding Policy refers to photography. The committee considers that for the type of events we usually run and organise, the recommended policy of accrediting photographers is unduly onerous. All Club members, parents of Club members and press photographers are therefore exempted from the need to be accredited, photographers outside of these categories need to be accredited and approved by the committee and organiser of the event.

The Committee has a responsibility to ensure suitable procedures are in place to meet this statement.


The Club has a few straightforward requirements.

1 All participants in a Club event who are under the age of 18 when the event commences needs to complete a parental consent form.

 2 Participants aged 14 and under will also need to be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other nominated adult.

 3 It is the parent/Guardians’ responsibility to ensure that the events activities are within the child’s capabilities and the bike/equipment is in good working order

 4 Parents/Guardians are to ensure that riders wear suitable clothing, including helmets complying with BS. EN  1078 and in particular BS EN 1080      and are equipped with any necessary medication (including Inhalers) with them

 5 Parents/Guardians  are to ensure that the child is fully informed and aware of  the rules and regulations covering the event.

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