Anti-bullying Policy

The club has a zero -tolerance attitude towards bullying. Club members, coaches and parents should report any incidents to the Club Welfare officer (CWO).


Bullying is not always easy to define, deliberate hostility and aggression directed at a target who may appear vulnerable an outcome which is painful and distressing to the target.

Bullying can be but not limited to;
Physical,  pushing kicking, pinching and other forms of violent threats.
Emotional, exclusion, isolation, tormenting ridicule, humiliation, racist remarks and taunts, graffiti, gestures,
Sexual, unwanted physical contact verbal abuse,
Homophobic physical or verbal abuse based on stereotyping sexual orientation whether the target is gay,
Cyber bullying using technology to bully text setting up abusive web sites posting photographs, misusing social networking site, sexting.
Bullies can employ many types but they choose which ever works on the target.


The club must be prepared to take the problem seriously.

The CWO should;
Investigate any reported incident, interview bullies and bullying targets independently and separately
Interview any witnesses,
Report to the club committee.
In serious cases of bullying, the CWO should refer the incident/s to the British Cycling SLO for advice.
The individuals should be made aware of this course of action.
The CWO should keep a written record of the incident, interviews and any action taken.
The committee should decide on any appropriate action and where appropriate consult with the Police.

The Club should provide support for the bullying target and advise the local Suffolk County Council, and encourage the bully to change their behaviour.
If mediation fails and the bullying is seen to continue, the club should initiate disciplinary action.

For further action see British Cycling Safeguarding and Protecting Children and vulnerable adults’ policies, Section 2 Good Practice, Poor Practice and Abuse and Responding to Suspicions and Allegations of Abuse.

British Cycling Safeguarding Lead Officer (SLO)
Any letter marked Private and confidential
British Cycling
Stuart Street
Manchester M11 4DQ
0161 274 2000 or 0161 274 2002 outside office hours

Suffolk Local Safeguarding Board
Floor 4 Gold Block
Endeavour House
8 Russell Road
Ipswich IP1 2BX
0300 123 2004 -officers/

 Suffolk Adult Social Care Services
Customer First
PO Box 771
Needham Market IP6 8WB
0808 800 4005
On-line referral form;
https:/// -you-safe/report-concern-about-an -adult/adult-safeguarding-referral-form

Suffolk Police
Suffolk Constabulary
Police Headquarters
Martlesham Heath
Ipswich IP5 3QS
Phone 101 area-/sudbury

NSPCC helpline
0808 800 5000

Cycle Club Sudbury website

Cycle Club Sudbury
Welfare Officer (CWO)
Nick Reed
01787 277479